A backlash is brewing and it can not come soon enough...

So what can we expect from Wednesday's budget, apart from Gordon Brown boring us all to tears? Well, the buzz word at the moment is green and it's an expensive word at that. It seems the biggest losers on Wednesday will be the evil folk that are deliberately going around doing their best to destroy planet earth - yes, I'm talking about you Mr Car Driver. Mr Brown does not care that you have not got a viable alternative to get to work unless you live in London - in fact the less viable the better. For if these green taxes actually worked the Treasury would be out of pocket, the car industry would collapse and cost of running over crowded trains would bankrupt the country. So you see, the less choice you have other than to pay up, the better. The only thing worse right now than a Brown budget would be a Osborne budget - the two main parties have completely lost the plot on the green debate and seem to think the more they rob us of our money the more popular they will become. A backlash is brewing and it can not come soon enough...
