HIPs - five questions

The countdown continues until the HIPs fiasco hits - everyone knows it's coming but I have all confidence that nothing will be done about it. Currently there are just 57 qualified inspectors for the North East, 76 for Wales, and 152 for London. The Government itself has said it needs at least 7,500 qualified inspectors to carry out the required number of assessments. The Tories have hit out saying that due to the shortage there will be more miles racked up by the few inspectors as they race around the country trying to get to all the houses. This of course will burn a load of fuel and un-do any good the energy assessment was meant to do. They will also be pocketing a load of cash for each visit of course with the unfathomable charges they seem to be handing out.

I have five key questions that I am yet get reasonable answers to - Why do we have to have this come in over night on 1st June when the government clearly isn't ready to implement? Why do the HIPs have to include the energy assessments, when in Europe the guidelines are for every 10 years? What else in the HIPs is of any use that isn't already mandatory? Why does it cost so much to get done? Is there no common sense left in this government?
