Judicial review of HIPs?

With just a couple of weeks to go before the introduction of the Home Improvement Packs, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has thrown a spanner in to the Government's works.  Fearing a housing market crash from the combined effect of potential sellers being put of selling due to HIPs, a rush of sales prior to the 1st June and rising interest rates, RICS are now seeking a judicial review over the packs.  They are claiming, what we all know, that there aren't enough inspectors and also that the consultation process was not carried out properly.  They did, however, fail to add that the packs are a waste of time and money.

So where does this leave HIPs?  Well, Ruth Kelly has promised to oppose any judicial review and that the introduction will go ahead as planned on 1st June.  This government has become so arrogant in its belief that it is always right, that given a situation where everyone else from all quarters tells them they are wrong, they still won't listen.  HIPs are not needed, are worthless in practical use and are extremely expensive in financial terms.  The whole HIPs affair has been a slow motion disaster and time is nearly up.  If the judicial review is successfully opposed by the government there will be an impact - whether it is big enough to cause a housing market crash only time will tell, but it seems the government is willing to take this gamble.  If it doesn't pay off they could be in serious trouble.  The British electorate will forgive a lot of things it seems, but screw up the economy and it's game over.
