The 10 year rule

What makes Gordon Brown think that he can effectively steal? He is set to launch an initiative to raid dormant accounts to raise £300m. OK, the money will be put to what the Lottery commission believe are "good causes", but I still don't think that justifies him assuming he has a right to do this. Has it got anything to do with the ever rising Olympic costs and him needing to find new and "innovative" ways to get money of us? Let's face it, he has just about pulled every other trick in the book and made up a few more himself. Of course they have denied that the Olympics draining lottery funds has anything to do with this. Does anyone believe them? So if you have a bank account that you haven't touched in 10 years, you better touch it fast because rather than bothering to trace the owners, Gordon will steal your money instead. Does this "law" apply to everything and everybody? The old "10 year" law that states if it hasn't been used for ten years you can claim it as your own? Does that mean we can now claim John Prescott's brain for public display? Or put the Tory party in to a national museum?
